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Love & Grace
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Welcome To Landy Ministries
Dermot and Guna travel full time throughout the Nations preaching Jesus Christ, His death, burial and resurrection, teaching the Word of God, with our beautiful daughter Rebekah Grace.
Having come from a broken life of addiction and knowing the transforming power of Christ we answered the call of God and headed to Rhema Bible College in Derry, Northern Ireland and having graduated after three years,we now preach the Gospel to all that will listen.

I will praise you to all my brothers; I will stand up before the congregation and testify of the wonderful things you have done.
- Psalm 22:22

“I travelled from America on a mission trip to visit Ireland with my church and was happy to be part of the team from Generation church. We went on the streets in Tralee town sharing Christ and it was a great experience. That night Dermot had a meeting in the local hotel and after a time of prayer and preaching of the word he began to pray for those who wanted healing I came forward and he did not know of the condition I had in my lungs and that I had blood pressure problems he began to pray over me and called out that my oxygen levels were being restored and that my blood pressure was being brought back to normal. I returned home and went to my doctor and he told me that my lungs were perfect and my blood pressure was normal. I thank God now I can do my work and have great health again. To God be the glory.”
Dan Mansmith
“I am so grateful to God that He still heals today. I was partially deaf in both ears and had to wear hearing aids. I went to one of the healing services in Macroom, County Cork. In the service Dermot prayed for healing in my ears and immediately when I returned home I took off the hearing aids and have not worn them since that day. I am so happy to hear again and thank Jesus, for He is the healer.”

“My name is Danny Lynch and I work as a professional painter. While working with some chemicals, the fumes from them effected my eyes and gave me blurred vision. I contacted my doctor and he gave me some medication but it did not work for me, but as a Christian I believe that God is a healer so I attended one of Dermot’s healing services and during the service he asked if there was anyone in the room that had eye problems. I went forward and when he laid hands on me and prayed my eyes were healed. I thank God my eyes have improved.”
Danny Lynch
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

We see in the book of Philippians where they partnered with Paul Philippians 1 v 3-4-5 (Amplified) I thank my God in every remembrance of you, always offering every prayer of mine with joy [and with specific requests] for all of you, [thanking God] for your participation and partnership [both your comforting fellowship and gracious contributions] in [advancing] the good news [regarding salvation] from the first day [you heard it] until now.